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Directory Of Halloween Creatures

Scary Halloween Creatures and their Descriptions


Various nocturnal flying mammals of the order Chiroptera, having membranous wings that extend from the forelimbs to the hind limbs or tail and anatomical adaptations for echolocation, by which they navigate and hunt prey. Bats are nocturnal, coming out at night. They are the only mammals capable of true (meaning, flapping) flight, because the other so-called flying mammals glide, they do not fly. There are more than 1,000 species bats. Although some bats have remarkable faces and behavior, wings are the most conspicuous features of the flying bats. Upon landing, bats immediately fold their wings so they appear to shrink in size. Like their Draculian counterparts, a small number of bat species actually subsist on animal blood. Vampire bats have been known to attack humans on occasion using sharp teeth to cut into the sleeping victim.


One of those all-encompassing terms for an "evil spirit," a demon can represent anything from a malevolent ghost or fallen angel to a puppet of Satan. Like the notion of evil itself, they have ancient origins and appear in folklore and literature across the world. The demon that possessed Linda Blair in "The Exorcist" is probably pop culture's most famous and most talented, with levitation capability, rotating head and amazing, life-like spewing action!


The chief evil spirit, a supernatural being subordinate to, and the foe of, God, and the tempter of human beings; The devil is not a mythical character, but a real person belonging to the order of angels. Scripture mentions him frequently, but gives little more than the basic facts we need to know. Typically depicted as a man with horns, a tail, and cloven feet. A very wicked or malevolent person, a person who is mischievous, reckless, etc.


A monster having the appearance of a man, a creation that slips from the control of and ultimately destroys its creator. A legend depicts the fight of Sir George Frankenstein in the sixteenth century. A carvings in the crypt where he is buried near the ruins depict him slaying a dragon under his feet. The dragon's tail, nevertheless, pierces the knight's armor, killing him.


They're one way to add a little freaky je ne sais quoi to otherwise lovely architecture. But gargoyles, those frightening stone monsters protruding from cathedrals worldwide, do actually have a function. They were incorporated into gothic stonework as early as the 13th-century to keep rain water off cathedral roofs, their mouths serving as the ejector spout. More spiritually, gargoyles were supposed to protect the congregation from the ever-present evil forces lurking outside. Two birds with one stone, so to speak.


Poke two eye holes in a bed sheet and you've got the easiest Halloween costume around. Becoming a real ghost is a bit more complicated. First you have to die, maybe tragically, then leave part of your soul hanging around earth to spook relatives and haunt houses. From a supposedly scientific angle, parapsychologists argue that energy including what's in the body can never be completely destroyed. Society seems to agree: various studies peg belief in ghosts at about 50 percent

Ghouls Pronunciation [ Gool ]

One who delights in the revolting, morbid, or loathsome. A grave robber. An evil spirit or demon in Muslim folklore believed to plunder graves and feed on corpses. It not only drinks blood like a Vampire, but also consumes human flesh. The term is from the Arabic ghul meaning "to seize," Some people believe that the superstition stems from wild animals that disturb graves at night, others that its origin is the terror of death in the lonely desert.  Among Hindus there are similar beliefs in ghoul-like figures, such as the vetala, a demon that haunts cemeteries and animates dead bodies, and the rakshasas, a whole order of evil demons that disturb sacrifices, harass devout people, and devour human beings. Even lower than the rakshasas are the pishachas, the vilest, most malignant of fiends


Made famous in fairy tales, the small and furry goblin is more mischievous than menacing. Legend tells of goblins hiding out in forests, pulling pranks and sometimes switching human babies for their own changeling spawn. Unlike some of the other creatures mentioned here and probably because of their disconnect from religion, goblins never quite crossed the threshold from the imaginary to cause real panic in medieval towns.

Grim Reaper

The fictional personification of death. He is dressed in a long, black robe with a hood. Sometimes you can see a skeletal face. The Grim Reaper carries a long handled scythe (or sickle). The Grim Reaper comes at death to take bad people to hell.


A withered, shrunken, or well-preserved body, the dead body of a human or animal that has been embalmed and prepared for burial, as according to the practices of the ancient Egyptians. It's any dead body (human or animal--from anywhere in the world or possibly beyond) that has been preserved, through artificial or accidental means. At the beginning of the 20th century European explorers recounted their discoveries of desiccated bodies in their search for antiquities in Central Asia. Most of these mummies were found on the eastern (around the area of Lopnur, Subeshi near Turfan, Kroran, Kumul) and southern (Khotan, Niya, Qiemo) edge of the Tarim Basin.


A supernatural spirit that manifests itself or reveals its presence by creating disturbances, knocking over objects, making noises and the creation of disorder. From German poltern, meaning to rumble or make noise, and Geist, meaning "ghost" or "spirit") denotes an invisible spirit or ghost that manifests itself by moving and influencing objects, generally in a particular location such as a house or room or place within a house. Poltergeists have been reported in many cultures, including India (where they are known as a Mumai), the United States, United Kingdom, Japan and Brazil. Poltergeists, like ghosts in general, are considered to be pseudoscience, a theory, methodology, or non scientific practice.


According to the Satanic Calendar Halloween, October 31st is a night for Human sacrifice to be made. (The 31st, All hallow's Eve (Halloween): This is one of the two most important nights of the year. Attempts are made to break the bond which is keeping the doors to the underworld closed and the devil out. Blood and sexual rituals rule the night as Satan temps the week. Sexual association with demons. Animal and human sacrifice - male or female.)


The internal structure composed of bone and cartilage that protects and supports the soft organs, tissues, and other parts of a vertebrate organism; endoskeleton. The hard external supporting and protecting structure in many invertebrates, such as mollusks and crustaceans, and certain vertebrates, such as turtles; exoskeleton. all the bones collectively, or the bony framework, of a human being or other vertebrate animal. A dangly rattling bag of bones that comes alive on Halloween night.


Halloween Spooks outside my window, Halloween Spooks behind the tree, I wish that the children could see, but I can't find them for the life of me, cause there's Halloween Spooks, outside my Window hiding from me! Halloween is the night when spooks and goblins are said to roam abroad to keep you wondering who is looking and lurking about to raise your hair.


Bloodsucking evil spirit: in European folklore, a dead person believed to rise each night from the grave and suck blood from the living for sustenance.  Vampires have popped up in cultural folklore for thousands of years, though the fanged-and-coiffed version we know comes from the 18th and 19th-century myths of Eastern Europe. There, it was believed that someone who was born with deformities or died an irregular death could, after burial, rise again to terrorize the living. Vampires were considered undead and needed to feast on human blood to remain so.


Typically normal and well-mannered until a Full Moon kicks in, werewolves are cursed shape-shifters that have appeared in the legend set of nearly every culture going back to ancient Greece. Like witches, they were hunted in medieval times and blamed for community murders that couldn't be explained otherwise. Though the violent werewolf stories of old seem to have fallen off the radar, except in Hollywood, there remains an excessive body-hair disorder lovingly nicknamed "the werewolf disease."


A Warlock is a male witch, a person who possesses evil powers to cast spells on unsuspecting victims and people he does not like. It does not have to be a person he does not like. A Warlock will cast an evil spell just for fun and pleasure, disrupting the lives of one, or even hundreds of people, for the sheer joy of seeing their pain or suffering.


Forget the pointy black hat and warty nose. Those popular associations are relatively recent compared with the long and often tragic history of witches across the globe. In the past, witches were thought to possess magical powers connected with the natural world. Like all pagans, they were demonized as heretics by the Christian church, a hunt that reached its apex in medieval Europe and 17th-century America. Good luck picking them out of a crowd today: witch costumes frequently top the list at Halloween


Kings of the b-movie industry, zombies are individuals who've either had their souls sucked from their bodies or been revived from the dead through black magic. Zombie culture stems from the voodoo religion of Haiti, where it is still believed that people can fall into mindless trances just like the walking dead we've seen on film (minus the missing limbs and snacking on human flesh. An ethno botanist investigating the claims in Haiti found a toxic drug that could actually induce a zombie-style catatonic state.